Dongan Patent is the youngest Lodge in the Suffolk Masonic District and has the distinct honor of being the third chartered in Brookhaven Town in 155 years. As the population of Brookhaven Town spread to the center region of the island, it became evident to the founding fathers of Dongan Patent, that the time had come to establish a Lodge closer to the central reaches of the town. The year of 1951 marked its birth. They met in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, Medford for many years before moving to South Side Lodge in Patchogue. A fire in South Side caused the brothers to find a new home. They then met in St. Marks in Medford after which they moved to Suffolk 60 Lodge in Port Jefferson, later relocating to Smithtown Lodge in the early 2000’s, where they meet to this day.

Dongan Patent Lodge was named after Thomas Dongan, the first Governor of New York colony, in commemoration of his recognition of the land-rights of English settlers and his refusal to import European feudalism. This, it was felt, was consistent with true Masonic spirit and preserved Dongan Patent’s image as the lodge of the “common man”.

Who We Are?

Our Mission

Masonry is dedicated to the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God. It uses the tools and implements of ancient architectural craftsmen symbolically in a system of instruction designed to build character and moral values in its members. Its singular purpose is to make good men better. Its bond of friendship, compassion, and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive, political, military and religious conflicts throughout the centuries. Freemasonry is a fraternity which encourages its members to practice the faith of their personal acceptance. Masonry teaches that each person through self improvement and helping others has an obligation to make a difference for the good of the world.

Discover Masonry

Masonry is the world’s first and largest fraternal organization, and is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place. 

Through our culture of philanthropy, we make a profound difference for our brothers, our families, our communities, and our future.

 The mission of the Masons, to foster personal growth and improve the lives of others, is carried out through Masonic principles and tradition.

Our Guiding Principles

Our mission is guided by the enduring and relevant principles of our fraternity: